Rog and his girlfriend, Sloan, are two young lovers ready to take on the world and make it their own. Rog is hungry for knowledge; Sloan wants power and prestige. Rog studies Computer Science and Math while Sloan attempts to find her place in the world by hanging out with Hollywood types. Eventually, they find their way to Silicon Valley where they are introduced to the dark underworld of Satanic Blood Rituals of the Luciferian Elites. They learn quickly that the deeper they get in with the Luciferians the more power, position, and prestige they are awarded.
They also learn that the Rituals are the key to all the power. But every time they think the rituals can’t get any worse, they do.
Rog decides he has had enough and wants out. Sloan wants more. The conflict between them turns to betrayal and eventually murder.